Sciatica during pregnancy?

What is sciatica pain during pregnancy?

Sciatica pain during pregnancy is the pain or discomfort experienced in the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve is composed of a group of nerves from the lower back region and bundle together in the hip and buttock region. The bundle goes through a specific muscle called piriformis muscle. This muscle is like a hamburger, the buns are the two parts of the muscle, and the sciatic nerve is the patty. So, the nerve runs in between the two heads of the piriformis. The sciatic nerve is responsible for providing sensation and motor function to the lower limbs.

During pregnancy, the body undergoes various changes to accommodate the growing fetus, including hormonal changes, weight gain, and changes in posture. These changes can make the piriformis muscle tight that will put additional pressure on the sciatic nerve, leading to sciatica pain in some pregnant women.

What are the symptoms of sciatica?

  1. Lower back pain: Pain typically starts in the lower back and may radiate down to the buttocks and legs.

  2. Hip and buttock pain: Pain can be felt in the hips and buttocks on one side or both sides.

  3. Leg pain: Pain may extend from the buttocks down to the back of the thigh, calf, and even the foot. The pain can vary from a mild ache to sharp, shooting pain.

  4. Tingling and numbness: Some women may experience tingling sensations or numbness along the path of the sciatic nerve.

What can prenatal chiropractors do to help with sciatica during pregnancy?

  1. Pelvic Alignment- Adjusting the spine and pelvis can reduce pressure on the sciatic nerve and alleviate the pain caused by misalignments or subluxations.

  2. Muscle Release- As part of the Webster technique, prenatal chiropractors work on the piriformis muscle to release any tightness or tension on the muscle which will release any additional pressure on the sciatic nerve. This can help reduce inflammation and improve mobility.

  3. Postural Advice- Prenatal chiropractors can provide guidance on maintaining proper posture during pregnancy to minimize stress on the spine and sciatic nerve.

  4. Stretches/Exercises- Prenatal chiropractors can suggest stretches and exercises that pregnant women can perform at home to relieve sciatica pain.

  5. Lifestyle modifications- Prenatal chiropractors can suggest proper body mechanics, ergonomics, and lifestyle changes that can reduce sciatica symptoms and prevent exacerbation of pain during pregnancy.

At Blooming chiropractic, we regularly help our pregnant mommas relive lower back pain and sciatica symptoms. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact.

To schedule an appointment, please call or text us at 657-845-1669 or use the online schedular.


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