What is craniosacral therapy and how does it help my baby?

Craniosacral therapy (CST) is a form of alternative therapy that involves the manipulation of the craniosacral system, which includes the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord. The therapy is based on the concept that a rhythmic flow of cerebrospinal fluid exists.

Craniosacral trained practitioners use a very gentle touch to various areas of the body, particularly the head, spine, and sometimes the pelvis, with the aim of enhancing the natural rhythmic flow of cerebrospinal fluid. This rhythmic flow can enhance the natural rhythmic flow of cerebrospinal fluid throughout the body.

Craniosacral therapy focuses on gently releasing the tension in the connective tissue in the body also known as fascia. I like to describe fascia as a mesh like structure (similar to a fishing net) that is connected and surrounds your entire body including muscles, organs, and other structures in the body, providing support and maintaining their shape. Since it’s all connected, if there is tension on one of part of your fascia, it will pull on fascia on other parts of your body.

To visualize this concept, imagine you have two strings attached your body coming out of the shoulders, one on the right and one on the left, if there is tension on the right shoulder fascia, it will put the string upwards which in turn will raise your right hip upward and your entire left side of your body will shift downward to compensate for the upward hike of the right shoulder. Therefore, when there is tension on one area of your body, everything will shift to compensate creating more tension. (Try this right now., stand in front of a mirror, hike up your right shoulder and see how your body changes)

Tension in fascia can arise due to various factors, including physical injuries, inflammation, or stress, leading to restrictions in movement and discomfort.

Addressing fascial tension in the craniosacral system, practitioners aim to improve the fluid dynamics, facilitating the flow of cerebrospinal fluid. This, in turn, is thought to promote relaxation, alleviate pain, and enhance the body's self-healing mechanisms. Craniosacral therapy is unique to the cranium and sacrum. The parasympathetic nervous system is located in the cranium and sacral region. The parasympathetic nervous system is often referred to as the "rest and digest" or "feed and breed" system because it promotes a state of relaxation and recovery. It is active during periods of rest and is responsible for conserving and restoring energy. When the parasympathetic nervous system is engaged, it slows the heart rate, stimulates digestion, and promotes activities that allow the body to recover and regenerate. An underactive parasympathetic system can contribute to stress-related issues and difficulty in recovering from stressors.

How does craniosacral therapy help babies?

Craniosacral therapy is safe, gentle and effective for babies. It has variety of benefits including:

  1. Birth Trauma: The birthing process can result in physical stress on the baby's head and body. Craniosacral therapy can help release tension and strain caused during delivery to alleviate symptoms associated with birth trauma.

  2. Colic and Digestive Issues: CST may help with conditions like colic and digestive problems in infants by promoting relaxation and balance in the nervous system.

  3. Oral Ties and Latch: Oral ties (tongue, lip and cheek ties) are made of fascia which is connected from the mouth all the way to the toes. Therefore, craniosacral therapy can release the tension to help with latch and other breastfeeding difficulties. Craniosacral therapy can be done before and after frenectomies to help make the release easier and ease healing.

  4. Sleep Issues: The calming and relaxing nature of the therapy is thought to promote better sleep. (Remember those “rest and digest nerve” from activating the parasympathetic nervous system)

  5. Feeding Difficulties: Craniosacaral therapy is used to address issues related to breastfeeding, such as latch difficulties. By releasing tension in the head and neck, it may help improve the baby's ability to breastfeed comfortably.

  6. Developmental Delays: Craniosacral therapy can help by releasing tension in the nervous system which can facilitate improved motor and sensory development.

At Blooming Chiropractic, in Costa Mesa, Dr. Elmira is trained and certified in craniosacral therapy and incorporates it into her chiropractic treatments for anyone that needs it, not only babies.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact.

To schedule an appointment, please call or text us at 657-845-1669 or use the online schedular.


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