How to Use Yoga Tune Up Balls for Back Pain

Our specialty at Blooming Chiropractic is balancing out your brain so that your nervous system can adapt to daily stresses. This in turn helps our clients feel more relaxed, sleep better, and have less pain. But we are the first to admit that we don’t want our clients to depend on our care to feel good- so we make sure to share at home solutions for you!

In this blog we are going to explain exactly how to use Yoga Tune Up Balls on your neck and low back. This small but mighty tool can be used all over your body (check out their YouTube channel here).

With a majority of our time being spent in the sitting position, this can create tight muscles in the neck and low back. If we sit/stand/sleep in the same repetitive postures this can create posture distortions (when your have bad posture). During the first visit in our office we take a posture picture to help determine exactly what is going on with your overall health. We can help locate specific areas of your body to focus on with these stretches.

For the low back begin by laying on your back. Your legs can be completely flat or your can bend them, which is what we recommend if you have any low back pain. Begin by placing the yoga tune balls (both in the tote) at the top of your sacrum. This is usually at the top of your pants. Slowly allow your body to relax into the balls, noticing where you feel tension and/or pain. Make sure you move slowly and continue to take deep breathes.

You can rock your pelvis forward and back, making sure to stop when you feel an area you’d like to release. Then rock your pelvis side to side. When you feel this area relaxed, move the balls up to your lumbar spine and repeat the same movements. You can do this all the way up your spine.

When you get to your neck, use a yoga block or stack of books to help release your trapezius muscles. Place the yoga block at the top of your shoulders and place the balls along your hair line. Just like before nod your head yes and no, then side to side.

Please make sure to listen to your body. It is trying to communicate with you- and if you listen and provide what it needs, you can heal yourself.

If you’re interested in learning more about how your posture relates to your nervous system, call or text us at 657.845.1669 to schedule.


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